, Linde Andreas

Projektankündigung: Cultural scripts of traumatic stress

Die Anerkennung nicht-westlicher Störungsbilder ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Erhöhung der globalen Akzeptanz der menschlichen Gesundheitsversorgung. Traumaüberlebende in nicht-westlichen Kontexten suchen oft keine Hilfe, weil sie sich von den westlichen Diagnosen ICD-11 und DSM-5 nicht „angesprochen“ fühlen, d. h. sie denken, dass ihr Leiden sich stark von dem unterscheidet, was in westlichen Diagnosen wie PTBS oder der anhaltenden Trauerstörung unterscheidet. Dieses internationale Konsortiumsprojekt umfasst sechs Modellprojekte zur Erfassung regionaler Beschreibungen posttraumatischer Leidenszustände (später wird es auf Trauer ausgedehnt). Darüber hinaus streben wir an, solche regionalen Beschreibungen in ein kulturübergreifendes Modell der Darstellung stressbedingter Leiden zu integrieren.


Cultural scripts of traumatic stress—Dissemination support

Date: 8.9.2024 / Publ.: 30.11.2024

Project Summary

The recognition of non-Western disorder presentations is an important step towards increasing the global acceptance of human health care. Trauma survivors in non-Western contexts often do not seek help because they do not "feel addressed" by the Western ICD-11 and DSM-5 diagnoses, i.e. they think that their suffering is quite different from what is defined in Western diagnoses such as

PTSD or Prolonged Grief Disorder. This international consortium project involves six model projects to record regional descriptions of post-traumatic states of suffering (later will be extended to grief). Moreover, we aim to incorporate such regional descriptions into a pan-cultural model of presentations of stress-related suffering.

Project Aims and Description


Describe the aims of the project

·       Why is it needed

·       What will it achieve

·       Which target audience it is designed for

·       A general description of the project (no more than 2 paragraphs)

·       Research aspects

·       (OPTIONAL) Special considerations – for example, listing skills that will be needed to complete this project (e.g. need involvement of team members experienced with preference studies, …)


Why needed

To increase help-seeking behavior by people who suffer mentally

Expected Achievements

Complementary checklists to assess ‘cultural scripts of traumatic stress’—and later on ‘cultural scripts of grief reactions’

Target audience

Getting in touch with those affected via the local aid professions

General description

In a two-stage (mixed-method) program, first a qualitative and then a quantitative phase is carried out to obtain the checklists/tools.

Research aspects

Applied research

Special considerations (if relevant)

Prof. Andreas Maercker and project members can contribute the project to Vivo from 2024, although it has been running since 2022

Expected role of vivo int.

Distribution and dissemination of the new tools

Project team


Describe those involved

·       Project lead

·       Team members


Project lead(s)

Prof Andreas Maercker, Prof (soon-to-be) Rahel Bachem,

Team members

Dr David Eberle, Dr Celestin Mutuyimana

Yucong Wen, MSc, Jaqui Liu, MSc

Deliverables and Dissemination


List the final deliverable, its format and how it will be disseminated



D1:  phase 1: item collection of regional cultural scripts

D2:  intermediate: Compilation of regional questionnaires/checklists

D3:  phase 2: validation of the regional cultural scripts of trauma inventories (CSTI)


        x    Vivoschweiz.ch

o   Social media. If yes, which:                                                   

o   Public print media. If yes, examples:

o   Conference(s)

x     Scientific publications


High-Level Timeline/Schedule


Outline the ball-park timeline for the project to be completed

·       E.g. Project kick-off Q1 2019,

·       E.g. Draft deliverables sent for consultation Q3 2019

·       E.g. Final deliverables sent for dissemination via X and Y channels in Q4 2019


(As consortium project with Univ of Zurich as leading house): start: 2022;

provision of the regional CSTI: to be determined from 2024



Outline the ball-park budget requirement and how much will be covered by vivo international Schweiz

·       Preparatory phase

·       Project initiation phase; year 1

·       Expected maintenance cost (year 2-3)


No costs involved up to… (tbd)

Afterwards: Vivo will be asked to provide money for CSTI dissemination in various world regions